My question is simple yet Tomshardware failed to answer my question, I am hoping you guys can. When buying headphones is more treble or more bass better for fps multiplayer games. Such as which one would allow me to hear foot steps better?
Thank you,
Adam Schneider
I've used Sennheiser HD 590 in the past. They're very comfortable (you can't even feel them) and have decent sound but drowned mids. In games they have good soundstage.
Recently I bought a pair of HD 201's and they've been better than HD 590 which is amazing for the price (590 may be old but they're in another league). The cable might be annoying or feel cheap but the headphones themselves are astonishingly good quality, especially for the low price. Soundstage is even better than on the 590s and I preffer them over the newer more expensive 585, in FPS games they work exceptionally well.
You can't go wrong with these.
More treble or bass is artificial, you want (especially for games) clean sound as it should be delivered, usually good companies like Sennheiser don't artificially boost the levels like other crappy turtlebeach or beats or whatever the broad ignorant public is into.
I was thinking of buying either the HD 201 or Superlux 681.
What you think