What's a good free html editor?

Hey everyone,

I have been wanting to learn some web design for a while now. I have been playing around with what I can do in notepad for a month or so now and would like to try a html editor.

Are there any free editors that you guys would suggest for someone still learning?


Notepad ++

Agreed. You need to learn to write from scratch.

Yup. Notepad++ and http://htmldog.com/ are all you need to start learning basic web design.

I use Crimson Editor to do all html stuff, it is great and connects so you can edit the file on the server, saves faffing with ftp. 

..Sorry Crimson is now Emerald Editor, same thing though


Thanks for the tips guys. I will check these out and keep on learning.



I suggest Codelobster PHP Edition

It is very useful free editor 

This website was created with notepad++ and putty. 

I use Aptana mostly, http://aptana.com/

Bluefish shout out! http://bluefish.openoffice.nl/index.html 

Or just use notepad++ 

I use DreamWeaver and ColdFusion ... I have no soul

For Windows - Notepad++ (I also have a mobile version which runs off a pendrive if anyone wants it)

For Ubuntu (possibly other Linux distro's) - Bluefish Editor.

For OSX - TextWrangler.


All these and just simple text editors which have color coded key words for programming languages. Some also have auto complete and help when organising opening and closing brackets.

Personally I'm a huge fan of Sublime Text 2.


Available on every platform (Windows/Mac/Linux), a wealth of plugins, and a bunch of features that after having used I couldn't code without.

Highly recommend everyone at least try it out.

Although it is recomended you learn HTML... Try this http://kompozer.net/

I would not recommend it for beginners but I like doin' my web coding in Eclipse, Aptana is a Web friendly version of Eclipse but the setup just didn't do it for me as I'm used with default Eclipse from my Java programming endeavors! Before that I was a huge Homesite+ fan, it got everything I needed for basic HTML coding and with TopStyle to take care of the CSS part, but that was back in the 90's really, took a while to stop working with Homesite+ though.

I would second the Notepad++ folks, it's exactly what one needs to get started, it got good syntax highlight and is lightweight, so theres not to much elements janking at your attention!

As a web developer I dont think you can beat Sublime Text 2 as a free editor on any platform (windows, mac, and linux). If you are stuck in the command line, then Vim IMO.


For Windows, use Notepad++ (but if you know how to use TPB: Adobe DreamWeaver CS6 is an option...)

For Linux, use GEdit (default Ubuntu editor) or Komodo Edit

Logan isn't a Vim elitest? 

I am disappoint. 

I started HTML with just notepad before I found notepad++ Using just notepad helps you appretiate the formating help of the notepad++ aplication. lol.