I have been wanting to learn some web design for a while now. I have been playing around with what I can do in notepad for a month or so now and would like to try a html editor.
Are there any free editors that you guys would suggest for someone still learning?
For Windows - Notepad++ (I also have a mobile version which runs off a pendrive if anyone wants it)
For Ubuntu (possibly other Linux distro's) - Bluefish Editor.
For OSX - TextWrangler.
All these and just simple text editors which have color coded key words for programming languages. Some also have auto complete and help when organising opening and closing brackets.
I would not recommend it for beginners but I like doin' my web coding in Eclipse, Aptana is a Web friendly version of Eclipse but the setup just didn't do it for me as I'm used with default Eclipse from my Java programming endeavors! Before that I was a huge Homesite+ fan, it got everything I needed for basic HTML coding and with TopStyle to take care of the CSS part, but that was back in the 90's really, took a while to stop working with Homesite+ though.
I would second the Notepad++ folks, it's exactly what one needs to get started, it got good syntax highlight and is lightweight, so theres not to much elements janking at your attention!
As a web developer I dont think you can beat Sublime Text 2 as a free editor on any platform (windows, mac, and linux). If you are stuck in the command line, then Vim IMO.