What's a good budget option to upgrade for GPUPassthrough?

I’ll try to go into a bit of detail here.

I’ve now been struggeling with Nvidia and Linux for years plus there are still games on Windows i like to play. So, the idea is to up/sidegrade by current rig to allow for GPU Passthrough for my current Nvidia Card and get a “new” AMD card for the Linux System.

This involves a few things. Some things i’m planning to keep. I currently run a Ryzen 3600 and i’m pretty sure that’s fine for my usecase. I don’t plan on upgrading that. I’m currently running an mATX build with a Mobo that doesn’t have room for a second GPU. So, i need a new Mainboard. Since i plan on doing GPU Passthrough, it should do that without too much hassle.

Second, i need a AMD GPU that’s decent. Nothing high-end and with the current situation certainly nothing new. I currently have a 1070ti that’ll be devoted to a Windows VM. Since i’ll probably do most of the gaming in the VM at that point, the Linux GPU can be something midrange, one or two generations old. Not too powerhungry, no issues under linux and that’s the extend of what it needs to do. I do run two 1440p screens and it would be nice if it can do SOME gaming under Linux but that’s not a priority.

Finally, i’d like a Big(ish) Tower to throw this all into. My current Define mini won’t house a ATX Board. My PC isn’t on my Desk and not a showcase. It can be a boring box, but decent Airflow and a well thought out layout inside are paramount. All Big Towers seem to be 200€ plus now so that’s no good. What is the most budet option for a bigger case that you would actually recommend getting?

TLDR: I need:

  • An ATX AM4 board that can do passthrough without bigger hassle on a Budget
  • An AMD Card that’s good enough for some really light gaming under Linux and is otherwise lowish powerdraw and price
  • A case to fit this all into. Preferable with lots of room and also not insanely pricey.

Used or last-gen Hardware is definitly an option and i’m not pressed for time. It’s more of a “i want to do this some time now” thing. Any hints/recommendations are welcome.

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You may want to look into the upcoming APUs instead of a 5500XT. Vega 8 on the next iteration after Renoir should be powerful enough for “really light gaming.”

The TUF X570 board should be a good board for VFIO on a budget.

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i have no suggestions , but if you feel like document how you did it when you do it, i would love to follow in your footsteps

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Yeah, but then i’m paying for a CPU i don’t really need… Plus it would probably be a CPU downgrade. I’d rather pay a little bit more for a dedicated GPU.

It’s not a CPU downgrade. You’d get Zen 3 cores and 8 cores and 16 threads. I’m talking about the 5700G/5750G

Oh i see. Didn’t even know those where coming.
I suspect this highly depends on when they are coming, what they cost and how GPU Prices are working out until then.
Certainly an option to replace my Wifes aging 1700X with my 3600 and up/sidegrade to a 5700G. If GPU Prices stay where they are now… Are there any Dates for a release yet? Couldn’t find anything on that.

Regarding motherboard I’d look for a X570 chipset based board. With your current CPU you’d get 24 lanes on the chipset (vs 20 lanes if you went with a B550 chipset). Out of these 16x lanes will be used from GPU so if you want to add USB devices to passthrough (with a PCI-e extension card) you might be limited. The one @FurryJackman suggested is a good choice.

I think your biggest problem(s) with CPU/GPU is finding something in stock and, if you end up in used market, finding something which is not overpriced.

I’ve gone for workstation card for the host - they are not what gamers want, and therefore still reasonably priced. I went for a AMD FirePro W7100.

Case wise I use a “be quiet! Dark Base 700”. Lots of room, good airflow (got it maxed out with fans), and they still run under 200 (€ that is).

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