i have this laptop http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834256535
It is a great little laptop,but 2 weeks ago i had it shut down due to over heating, and eariler today it happened agian,so i want to get a laptop cooling pad but i don't know which would be best for me.
If this helps the first time it happened i had 5 tabs up in chrome,and was playing minecraft when it shut down on me,the second time i had 5 tabs(one streaming video)and was playing diablo 3 when it happened.
also if this help here is a pic i took if the bottom so you can see where stuff is at.
and here are some pics i found of the internals online if it helps.
oh also it was on a wood kitchen table the first time,and the second time it was on a glass coffee table.
If you need any more info let me know.
Thakn you guys for all the help.
Have you tried just elevating the laptop? That greatly increases airflow, which improves cooling. I normally just stick a book underneath my laptop when it starts heating up, so I lift the back end (my cooler is in a similar spot) so the cooling fan can take in more cool air.
Anywho, if you don't want to be super ghetto sauce (like I am), Something like this would be ideal. Because your cooling fan is so close edge, having the ability to reposition the fan is helpful
One review did dock it for being too small ("14 inch laptops"), but I personally do see a problem even if it is a bit small. I inadvertently ordered a cooler for a 13" laptop, and it works just fine for my 15.6", though I did have to spend a little time figuring out the balance. Just the elevation alone can dramatically reduce temperatures.
right after i posted it i thought of elevating it and i found something to do that for now,but i still want to get a cooler cause the temps after 1 min or d3 is still a little high for me(78c on gpu,82c on cpu,and laptop shuts down at 90c),i will consider that one,but can you suggest any that have usb hub built in or at least one extra usb port,cause i would prefer to not lose a usb port,but can deal with it if need be.
That's a rather aggressive over-heat protection considering the 4600M is rated for 100c. Something that puts me off is separate CPU and GPU temps - if you don't have dedicated graphics (and the lappy you linked doesn't) those temps should be identical since both the CPU and GPU are on the same die.
That 13" cooler I had is available on Newegg, and the fan is a USB pass-through.
Here is how I use mine:
I had this >> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834989181<< which replaced a coolermaster one I had before it. Both worked well and I am guessing most of what else is on the market would probably be the same.
Airflow is key but the best way to drop temps in any system is to have a nice low ambient temp. Turn the ac on.
You can always go the extra mile and replace the TIM inside. May drop a degree or 2.
On mine, not only was the drop several degrees, it also added an hour of battery life (from 1.5 hours to 2.5 hours) from the cooling fan not running as often. If the thermal paste is dried out, it could really thermal performance.