What would be a good way to learn about cloud computing?

I am an IT student currently getting ready to graduate, and am interning at a school district. I know that a lot of things have been moving to the cloud, and want to get more familiar with it. I have looked at setting up OpenStack to experiment with. Is this a good way to get familiar with cloud computing?

Probably best way is to set up a server or two and make your own "cloud"

Sid you want to go the cheap way you could get a raspberry pi and set up own loud with arkos. Not quite sure if this is too simple or not.

That is what I thought. Any ideas of what to use on the software side? I am thinking about OpenStack, but am not sure yet.

I'm not familiar with arkos. I will have to look into it.

You could run a buch of VMs on a dedicated machine with ESXI or XEn and simulate a cloud.

@Jedediah_Williams this is what i do, all my VMs run on XenServer. but only have one server so not very resilient to failure

I have heard of people setting up openstack labs this way. I would only use it as a lab though.

Azure. Learn that. I've yet to incounter someone who knew the ins and outs of that entire thing.

In my Emerging Technology class we set up an AD server and a Sharepoint server in Azure and connected them to our local vlan with a vpn. Even the professor took 2 weeks to figure out how to get the vpn tunnel to work. He just walked us through it once he figured it out.

I have deep issues with this...just walking you through the process doesn't help you really learn how to do it. I understand if after two weeks no one had figured it out giving you hints, but he should have made you guys figure out in your own

That was the original intent, but at the time Azure's vpn settings were busted. Once we got the vpn working we were back on our own.