What will i need for bf3 on 720p ultra


I want to play bf3 at around atleast 80 fps on any map I don't have any Dlc's.

Just a budget gamer wanting to play on 1280x720 Ultra.

I also want to be recording on 60 fps On an OCZ SSD.

I'm from the UK so we use pounds I don't mind ordering from Amazon or newegg.

I want to spend £100 - $150.65 to £120 - £180.78

I dont care about AA or Motion blur.

Please post ur comment on what I'll need.

Right now I'm using the Asus GT 630 even with a high over clock I get 48 - 65 fps on low 720p

Other Specs

i5 2320 @ 3.00ghz

Res 1366x766

1 tb harddrive

124GB OCZ SSD 500mb speed

Ingame I change Res to 1280x720 !!

If you need other specs ask me



Grab this, will do fine:



If you want it cheaper, you can get the 1GB model:


Here is my GTX 480 at 1360x768 full ULTRA with 4xMSAA recording at 60-100+FPS almost solid.




Bare in mind my GPU has a huge OC, so with a nice overclock, the 7850 should get near to this performance as long as your CPU can push it :)

2GB Radeon 7850 (XFX) - £142


+ Lara Croft & Bioshock Free.

Found a cheap good one. It'll do not just 720p, but 1080p maxed out gaming. It's practically a 7950, but with beefed down specs.

Hmm I might consider it but.. My montior Max res is 1366x766 If I'm buying such a great card that can handle 1080p maxed why pay more.. if I'm only playing 720p

Just buy the card -____-


my tip for you is.

Buy a 7850 from either asus or msi so you can OC it and overvoltage it to get better peformance.

I have a 7850 laying around so if you want i can test BF3 on it and make a video for you.

Well, in the future, you might consider getting a new, higher res monitor, and by that time, a 7850 may have a harder time maxing out games.

Alright so the 7850 if you could do some tests that would be extremely helpful I am fine overclocking! 

Just link me if you ever get round to making the video,


Will you shut up about your 480. almost every thread i see you in you link us a video about it doing amazing.

I'm not doubting 480s power at all. i just find it very annoying that you are linking people videos that don't help them. No one is going to go out and buy the same custom cooler you have, and odds are people don't want a card 2 generatons old that drinks the power [480 vs 680 //  5.4 Gflops/Watt  vs 15.85G-flops/Watt]

No one on a budget is going to get a 480 (even for cheap) and then spend money on a cooler to overclock like yours, just to perform against modern standards

Yes the 480 is still a good card for gaming, and if you have a good OC don't get rid of it yet.

ok will do :)

Why not fuck off, your dumb brain cannot see what i am doing, so do not bother trying to question me what i know i am doing.

I am giving a reference to performance, a 7850 at stock vs a stock 480 is around 5-10% difference in performance, he has in intel i5 as i do, so i made a comparison with something in the 7850's league, and overclockability range.


Get a clue before spouting at me thinking you know anything.

Oke the video is done!



enjoy :)

You are not giving a "7850 at stock vs a stock 480". You never said that your 480 was stock clocked, and you even made sure to say "Bare in mind my GPU has a huge OC"

I guess you have never heard of giving an idea to performance?


Stock clocked 480:




Happy now?

Heh, another one of your links.

and you should've linked this more helpful video beforehand, because it finally helps him out

-But i do seriously doubt he's going to get one

Well cunt, if you can do better, do so, until then, comment on yourself instead of dissing others for helping fuckface.

stop talking about the GTX480 he dindt ask for info about the GTX480 lol

As above.