I don't think you're quite being fair there, but I think I understand the idea behind what you're saying.
I personally think Logan and Wendell have actually put a lot of thought into their format. Let me explain why I think that.
Obviously TekSyndicate is an entertainment site, so the information they're giving would by definition be infotainment. Now that's kind of a dirty word, not as such, because obviously anyone that publishes content, whether an author or a journalist, has to please his audience, and works for his audience, but it has grown into a dirty word, because of things like LinusTechTips or Michael Larabel or whatever, because there is too much of an influence on the content because of the monetizing model: these people are not paid by the audience, but actually get their money from the companies of which they cover the products. Call it gamergate if you will, but that's not what's actually happening... what actually IS happening, is that the second book of the Poetica by Aristoteles is being stolen and hidden over and over again, because the Komedia just works, and some comedians are too ignorant to realize which play they're in.
Tek Syndicate tries very hard to walk the fine line between entertainment and journalism, and I'm sure they've run into difficulties because of that, and that it's taken a lot of effort and persuasion to still stay connected to the manufacturers.
Whatever level of expertise one has in a certain area - and some people do have expertise in a lot of areas, like Wendell for instance, which is most often the consequence of a life dedicated to learning and getting hands-on experience, which means listening to people and helping people, because that's the way to do those things - the thing that is always most admirable and admired is not the fact that someone has reached this or that level of expertise, or that he is or is not "the best" out there, BUT, it's the fact that that person is willing to share his knowledge, even if it may well be superseded by the knowledge of others... that is what makes people like Wendell so popular... it isn't important what Wendell does or does not for himself and then blogs about it, it's about Wendell doing things for others and himself and sharing it. Think about the difference. There comes a moment in a lot of people's lives, where you've worked really hard to achieve something, because you lived with the idea that this was THE thing to attain, and then, suddenly you've absorbed so much information to achieve that goal, that you come to realize that your personal goal is not that important at all, it's about what you can do with others to leverage experience and knowledge together, which will attract other people, and they will join, etc etc etc, and in the end, everyone takes the knowledge sharing part very seriously, even if it means sacrificing a lot of time and resources, and that gives you the renewed energy to keep improving and to keep building.
Entertainment is a superconductor, it's a programming language, and it can be used for different goals. I support the target TekSyndicate has set, because it hasn't just set a target for the owners, it has set a target for the community. And you know what, that target is also influenced and changed by the community, more than it is by marketing departments of commercial hardware and software companies. And it's a damn' complicated job to do something like that whilst still running your own business and thus taking responsibility over the livelihoods of the people that depend on you, even though it's worth every bit of effort in the long run. Being "popular", getting clicks, means nothing, unless you can at least get some useful interaction with the people that click, and even those that don't click.
And I'm not a fanboy of TS, if they post a video with bad content, and they have done that (but that's OK though, it's not half as crappy as some of the crap I've posted in my life for instance), I'll probably give my opinion on it, even if my opinion is complete crap itself. Thing is, if you stack enough crap together, you actually get a house that can serve an entire family as shelter, or if you spread enough crap on a piece of land, you'll grow healthy crops... it's the crap that makes the crops, and the crap that makes the cabin, it's not the architect or the brand name or the patent holder of the seeds...