What was your every day like in school?

I’ve always found peoples habits fascinating. What they find important or not…

In HS my every day after Freshman year was to get up at 5AM, do some homework, shit, panic to school, not drive, panic, get to class 1 and idle through classes I could just do my homework for in the class, give a shit about the classes that were important, go home, crack my neighbors wifi password, and play TF2. When I got to the point that I had to do online classes and redo all my 6-7 years of math classes, after school I would come home, play TF2 for 2 hours, sleep (I have eye problems and they had stacked up so badly that at the peak of them the amount of muscle used daily actually wore me out so I would sleep), do 2-3 hours of math, dinner, bring animals in, another half hour of TF2 or CSS, and then die till the next morning.


I stared at my desk 7 hours a day until I got my diploma in professional desk staring.


I could hardly get anything done in school. I was always preoccupied with holding in my farts and worrying about my next bowel movement.


Leave home early enough to make sure I walked just around the corner to bump into Faye, then spend the 2 miles walking to school with her wondering if I should ask her on a date.

Then spend all day thinking about girls - apart from when Mr Travis would throw a board eraser at my head. Then maybe head to the shops at lunchtime or go to the library to read a good sci-fi book. After school I’d meet up with Laura to walk home… …and wonder if I should ask her on a date.

Between 1990 and 1997 I never managed to ask any girls from my school out for a date. Thank god I met girls from other schools :slight_smile:


I generally wake up at 8 or 9 get on my computer do homework, log on to online classes. Eat, leave in the middle of class. Surf the web, browse these forums, play games while doing homework. My school is pretty good.

My upcoming year’s schedule is, class from 7:something AM to 12:something, then go intern for hours, then go home, die, sleep, repeat. As you can tell I am very excited to go back.

Smoked a lot of weed and snorted a bunch of ambien.

Don’t remember much of it but passed with a 3.6 average.

Worked as a line cook and sold lawn supplies to buy said drugs.

Moved out of my parents house at 17. Rented a room sometimes, other times I lived in my car.

Somehow ended up in the Military.


I am a massive introvert. Stuck with the nerds as a large kid I never got picked on but one of my friends did and I stood up you him and got on the local gangs shit list. Got gang attacked once brought me to the ground and repeatedly kicked in the head. I used my arms to take the brunt of the attack and got through it.

Second time it was 3 on one and I got the leader on the ground and they stopped. Fighting as a school kid is weird rules. Then not long later one on the older brothers of the gang punched me in the face while inline at the school cafeteria. kid punches suck and I ignored it and stared at him. He mumbled something and walked off.

Last attack was at a party when I was 17 I think. Guy called me out as said outside now. He opened with a suprise headbutt and it was 1vs1 i rammed his head onto a storm drain pipe splitting head open above his eye and through him on his back and got pulled off him bye the party goers.

Only saw one of the gang as an adult at another party and he said nothing.

As for school work I enjoyed Physics, maths and chemistry and found they made common sense. Never studied alway got high grades. English I hated and never read the books and usually got bad grades because the tests where on the books.

I hated school, hated the people at school and I am glad to be done with it.


would play music spend all day on facebook and all night on the computer not sleeping then go to school have fun not do much work and basically stay up days in a row. wow what a fucking waste i was man i hated highschool.

I loved school when my teachers were interesting and cool and could show me why the subject mattered.

The problem was that most of my teachers didn’t give a shit about their jobs (or their students).
They were too depressed that they were earning such a low salary.

I’m currently in school, Im a highschool junior this coming year. My sophomore year went like this, drive to school while still half asleep and realize I forgot breakfast so I’d stop at a gas station and get a bag of cheetos. Then I’d walk into the cafeteria where everyone would hang out at before classes started and meet up with some friends to exchange spicy memes. After that I went to my programing class where I learned about one day’s material of Python in a semester (While finding more spicy memes) Then I went to chemistry where I’d panic because I had to start the homework that was due that day (I ended up almost failing chem but passed solely on the final which was mostly multiple choice by guessing 2/3rds of the answers (That’s also how I passed the bio final the year before (but I wasn’t struggling in bio, I was just sleep deprived on the day of the finals(parenthesis are fun)))) Then I’d go to PE and act like an idiot to piss off the teacher who never actually tried at her job. Then off to lunch where I’d finish the english homework due the period after. English was an absolute shit show, the teacher had severe paranoia and would freak out and demand to know what you were talking about if you even coughed, that’s not an exaggeration. She was also really forgetful and would lose assignments all the time. After English we’d all wait outside the classroom because this year we had two inner city kids move into town and they both started rival gangs, so there’d always be a fight in the hallway. Then I went to history, which ended up one of my favorite classes because I had the highest grades in my class and would just sleep the whole time. I went through a big history buff phase a few years ago, so I wouldn’t even know what we learning or what the test was about when it was handed to me but I usually knew the answers already so I’d just fill it out and sleep for the rest of class. Then I went to drafting which is my favorite class, my drafting teacher was in charge of a new robotics club that year and I was one of the few members that was in both the club and his class. So he would have me work on the robot instead of drafting, my 4th quarter grade was a 98% and I only had 2 of the 18 assignments turned in. Also my teacher is a 6 foot 7" crazy as fuck redneck that shoots kids with a giant rubber band gun and rides a homemade hovercraft down the halls, I look forward to his class this year. After that I had geometry, yet another class where I would finish the homework about 40 seconds before it was due. For our final project we had to design and model a house and calculate and provide links for the cost of everything, the building materials, flooring, paint, furniture, and property taxes based on online listings for lots we would provide a link to. We were given 2 weeks to finish the project and a lot of kids were struggling to meet the timeframe. I started at about 7 in the morning the day it was due, and finished approximately 10 seconds before it was due (I was still working on it when I walked into class). I was one of three kids to get a 100% on the project in my class. After that I would go to work or home and fall asleep at 1 or 2 in the morning, wake up at 5:30 and repeat. Through my entire life I’ve learned that I do my best work when I literally have zero room to fuck anything up or risk not finishing it.

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Let me know how that works out for you.

To sum it up chilled.

School in the last three years was odd. My year group had a strange solidarity thing going on no one got picked on, and everyone was just chilled out. Thinking back we probably should’ve gotten a sorry for our bullshit card for the teachers.

Each day we’d go in and pretty much do nothing which caused our teachers a headache coursework got handed in and done. Anything else nope good luck with getting us to do anything moc exams we doodled on that sort of shit.

I remember being dragged into the assembly hall and getting blasted by our head teacher cause of our attitude when our final exams were the next week, and no one had a sense of urgency about them.

Was quite the shock to the teachers and us when we got our results back and my year got the highest A*-C grades recorded in the school’s history. Everyone was just stood there on results day like how the fuck did this happen?


In my year, the entire time anyone knew anyone elses names, we all had each others backs. It was just weird. Some kid bullied me in middle school? 3 of the jock kind of people in my year would pull them off and throw them around a bit. I can help with math or woodworking or physics? I do. Everyone was that way. Everyone was equal, everyone did their thing. It was basically the year of communism. It was oddly great.

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Damn that was longer than I thought.

Hmmm, usually just did class as best I could.
I would wake up about 7:30 get dressed, eat breakfast, ride my bike and be at school by 8:00 and the first bell would ring at 8:10. We were given 3 minutes to get to class.
From there it was mostly me trying to wake up as I didn’t start drinking coffee unitl about college.
Just sort of sat through classes and took notes that need to be taken and participate.

I didn’t really stand out but I just tried to be nice to everybody as I could, got known for being a really nice person and nobody really messed with me besides by little clique back then, all fun though.

Not until lunch time did I really feel awake and even then I would want to throw on my headphone and take a nap but had a really eccentric happy-go-lucky friend who was always up to do fairly hyper activities. It was fun during lunch. Often we would hang out in the same area all 4 years and ocaisonally go somewhere else.

After lunch classes were pretty boring but as usual I participated as best as I could.

I didn’t have low grades but they were not the absolute best. Strongest points were Math, English, and Chemesty/Physics. I really disliked history to be honest. Not in the sense of learning it but having to test and write up essays on them arguing some point. Overal graduated with a 3.6 GPA at the end.

Once school was over, I would either particapte in sports, such as Football or Track and Field.
Those were pretty fun times even if I did spend half of practice yawning.

I was never the person that wanted to stand out so I kind of shyed away from anything that could put me on the spot. If I was not at practice or when sports were out of season, I would always hang around with the same friends from lunch, and we would usually be able to until about 5 PM or so.

After that, it was just a matter of taking myself home on my bike.

Once home I would usually have dinner with my family and then get straight to homework that I did not finish during class. I usually tried to finish once the teacher showed us what was assigned instead of paying attention to some lessons. Once my home work was done I would usually watch some TV or play some games but I didn’t have very many games at the time, and of course no money means no games.
Parents really didn’t like me playing games so I would often stay up until they went to bed at 9. Ususally staying up until about 2 or 3 AM.

After that would start the next day.

Overall I suppose my experience growing up was not bad but it was not like I really wanted to accomplish anything or want to be anything, I just sort of drifted and existed in this world not really knowing the bounds or limitation. Not that I ever wanted to find them out.

Pour up (drank), head shot (drank)
Sit down (drank), stand up (drank)
Pass out (drank), wake up (drank)
Faded (drank), faded (drank)


Wake up at 7:09AM exactly.
Hit snooze button twice (9 minutes between alarms)
Get out of bed at 7:30AM exactly.
Have 10 minute shower, have breakfast and get dressed in that order every day.
Leave at 8:10AM exactly and walk to school to arrive at 8:25AM exactly.
Synchronise watch will school bell time.

Maths: do the questions and program a spinning cube on my graphics calculator.

Physics: try to memorise all those damn formulas (seriously, there were so many).

Chemistry: try to get my head around all the different names for every permutation of carbon atoms and participate in the piracy ring.

English: scream internally (REALLY hated English)

Woodwork: have some fun putting together a little table. Been using it for a couple of years now.

Recess: play doom 1 in the library.

Lunch: play doom 1 in the library. (Beat the game on Ultra Violence difficulty)

Home: watch YouTube for hours while messing around with my computer and Linux ending up destroying multiple installations (Still haven’t made one last for more than 6 months). Play doom 1, quake 3, TF2 CS:GO, Minecraft etc.
Work out how to install Linux on my school laptop with a locked down bios. Eventually installed it by replacing the hard drive with a drive with linux already installed after the front fell off.

Become depressed by year 12 (more or less better now), hardly get any work done and still manage to pass my Physics, Chemistry, Maths Specialist (Highest level) and Maths Studies (Second highest level) exams with Cs. Fun fact, the Maths studies exam was on my birthday. Worst birthday ever.

My senior year was pretty awesome.

Wake up, no breakfast (never really have breakfast, except for the rare donut once and a while.)

Go to my first, and only class in high school, band. Marching band in the fall, concert band the rest of the time.

Leave band a little early every day to go to vo-tech (vocational/technology school) for engineering classes. (Basic physics, electrical, aerospace, mechanical, etc.) Stay late after class and work on our robot for the FIRST Robotics challenge. (I did most of the grunt work and assembly for the robot because I didn’t have classes for the rest of the day.)
The FIRST challenge was this one.

We didn’t make it very far in the competition, because we didn’t have much time to test the robot before competition. Our bot was a solid contender, but we had some programming malfunction that caused our firing crank to break during a match. That one match ranked us poorly and nobody that scouted us saw us as a contender. Really unfortunate.

We fixed our issues and got way better in the later rounds, but we couldn’t catch up in the match rankings. And the other teams that were scouting for future teammates only really scouted during the first round and looked at match rankings. So we weren’t a consideration for a first round pick in the finals. Oh well, it was fun.

Hell. Basically school was hell.

Meh. I was going to write out this whole novella. But it’s not worth it.

Everyday at school, I sat in the core classes as quiet as a tomb, daydreamed, and wrote a few words in a notebook as notes. In my four years of HS I only used 5 “100 page count” notebooks for 24 classes.

I never took the core classes at school seriously. I had what I would like to call “fake teachers”. They just handed out worksheets and never helped anyone. They sat at their computers’ for the entire class and would never answer anyone’s questions. They would always say “Look in the book!”. And they never modified their lessons. If you had a class at the end of the day and asked a teacher a question and they say that had heard that question in “Every single class.” don’t you think that that teacher should have modified that lesson in some way earlier in the day? Students would always complain about these teachers to their deans. The deans would then come into class to see whether or not the student is speaking the truth. However, when a dean came in to do a teacher evaluation, the teachers acted completely different and acted as how a real teacher would. This would piss me off on the inside, because deans began to loose trust in the students, and also because those “fake teachers” were still going to be at the school teaching.

But when it came to electives, I did my best. Those classes were the only classes that I participated in and did my homework for. I never got a final grade lower then a “B”, while in my core classes I almost never received a final grade higher then a “C”. All of my elective teachers were amazing people. They genuinely cared for the students and in general the classes were more laid back.

I ended up doing so bad that I was under-classified for 3 of of my 4 years in HS. I don’t believe I was ever classified as a Senior. ( Freshman year I was a Freshman, Sophomore year I was a Freshman, Junior year I was a Sophomore and Senior year I was a Junior )

I have an Italian :tiger: mom. She was not happy. :stuck_out_tongue:

TLDR: I ghosted through High School because I didn’t like my core teachers. My everyday was almost 100% like this ( minus the head rocking ) :