What Viable Alternatives are there to YouTube?

Then it’s a monopoly. But I’m not sure that’s actually correct.

You have more creators dissatisfied with YouTubes policies, lack of ad revenue, and stricter rules causing many to be demonitised. You see more of them going to external funding like patreon (youtubes trying to catch up there but it seems like it may be to late), and sponsors and merch over ads.

YouTube has the accessibility/finding still in their favour, but realistically that seems about it. If there are platforms that benefit creators then those creators in theory lose nothing from trying to use them.

I guess the fact that L1 doesn’t use any others may mean that there are zero viable alternatives and creators are just stuck being shafted by youtube.

I do not think I have ever watched a vid on youtude in native resolution( my system) that I did not have to force.

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What’s your native res? I get 1080p just fine.

It’s not just about youtube. It’s political and thus financial pressure … lets call it for what it is … ideological pressure. What i mean is, not matter what the site is we are at a point in history where ANY site could be censored and stifled at a whim.

The only option is new technology which is harder to censor, i believe it is called ‘alt-tech’. But ‘alt-tech’ is going to have a very hard time attracting what in this thread we shall call ‘normies’ seen as it has been coined now.

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That is the cap even tho ? They will push lessor on ya :slight_smile:

1440p is my min.

Interestingly it looks like we’ve only brought four main options to the table, and a couple of mixed outliers.


Looking at @anon25490728’s other options, looks like veoh is a non starter, and I have a feeling so is http://www.nicovideo.jp/. Dailymotion?..


Your contradicting yourself a bit here.

I would say Peertube or Bitchute… Floatplane… kind of shug thing . I wish them the best.

Ah, okay. When I was using 4k, I did have to manually adjust, but I never had to with 1080, I think in part because if you’re at the proper viewing distance, you can’t see a difference between 2160p and 1080p. Its just how your eyes work.

Who is?

I am cool 720 at a certain scale…

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you is :stuck_out_tongue:

About what?

What are you looking for exactly? Are you looking for content or a place to upload?

With what people are talking about with YouTube recently. Places that would be or could be a viable alternative to YouTube for watching things and uploading.

Kind of debating current possibles to replace youtube. Which needs replacing. There are a few more possibles but they are even smaller than what we are discussing.

This is strictly on a technical and policy level? Because any other site like youtube would be like dropping a feather in the Grand Canyon and listening for the echo.

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Eden is technical.

Policy is sgtawesomesauce

Ease of use. the villageidiot

if that helps.

It crosses over a great deal.


We’re in trouble then.


Your stated goals:

  1. Mass market
  2. 99% censor free
  3. Look great.

then provide a list with bitchute ( for example ) that you say looks like shit, doesn’t work very well and the mass market won’t adopt it. In fact your just providing a list of alternate sites with very different goals and target markets.

I have answered the question, alt-tech is needed but mass market needs to adopt it… so before that can be addressed you need to address the law in order to defend free speech, creative commons on a private platform. ( libertarian intensifies.jpg) because the internet as a whole is run by ISP’s across their hardware and that is private infrastructure.

Forgive me if i am missing something here.

My suggestion is bitchute or Dtube for what it’s worth although… bitchute right now is dumpster level content.

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