What useful projects can I do with python?

I want some ideas for projects I can do with python which I have been learning. Anything really.

If you are using Blender 3D, then you could make scripts/addons/tools for it.

There's a few libraries you could always check out.


  • PyGame, an SDL wrapper library with some functions to make your own game
  • NumPy, fast arrays and numerical operations/analysis
  • SciPy, scientific functions with Python
  • Django, an MVC web framework for Python
  • SymPy, symbolic mathematical analysis with Python
  • Matplotlib, graphing with Python
  • GUI programming with either PyQt, PyGTK or wxPython (can also use TkInter)

Checkout this repository https://github.com/karan/Projects

If you take lots of pictures you could write a script to organize your image folder(s).   Say.. take one big directory of images and script out the moving of them into date specific, or keyword specific folders by reading in the metadata of the image to determine where you want it to go. Python would be good for something like.. then again so would .NET writing it as a windows service to always have running in the background!