What type of gamer are you?

I enjoy blowing things up, beating people, and playing with people. Mainly just blowing things up...

Give space engineers a go

I'm guessing you played the shit out of borderlands 2...

More cs:go and battlefield, although yeah I played it a while ago some.

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As soon as my shitty newzealand is up and running again i'll have to download it! I've never played an early access game, so that should be interesting as well.

Picture cause there not worth making an account for.

From NZ as well? My internet drops out every evening at roughly 8-9pm. Its great

I'm a diverse gamer, I obsess over rpgs like Skyrim and Witcher 3 but i'll also wipe the floor with you in BF4 and make you beg for mommy and i think the 55% action reflects my playstyle in multiplayer too, it's careful and mythotical, i'll let a kill go every once in a while if it means i live to get 4 more.

recently recovered my hacked bf4 account... they changed the name and locked me out of changing it back -_- but anyways this is me

"Calm, Relaxed, and Creative"

Despite playing multiplayer most of the time, I find the ones I remember the most favorably are the games I play alone in a unique sort of world I'm interested in. Challenge and melodrama. I have contrasting tastes, I guess.

I skewed pretty heavily toward creativity/immersion. Both of those were about 85%. About what I would expect, my favorite games tend to be survival and sandbox kind of games. Neat quiz!

The mastery thing was great, I got a mere 3% on the Strategy thing. And thinking about it, I don't know when I've really sit down and thought about something thoroughly in a game.


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I am Aggressive, Spontaneous, Social, Deeply Immersed, and Creative :3

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I would actually put creativity way down, and max out action and mastery. Immersion needs to be higher than creativity.

I'm just one those gamers who is happiest when dominating other players, messing about with friends or both. :)

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Action is actually higher, same for mastery. But I totally agree with the social part.

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wanna play some WoW man? /s :D