Mind linking me to that Card?
spend the most amount of money on the gpu.
your cpu has better longevity than gpus. you'll probably get at least 2 (maybe 3) years out of a cpu before you need to upgrade. where as close on every 12 months you pretty much need a new gpu to keep up with things.
imho something like a 3470 is plenty, then spend as much as you can on the fastest gpu you get.
wanna know how many more fps i get when i go from 3.5ghz > 5ghz on my 2700k..... 9fps more in bf3. its pretty much all down to my gpu ~ oced 7950.
check out the link below to see how much a difference the cpu is is most games. you'll see that only a few perform better with the fasted ivy cpu on the block.
Ok so what i am getting out of this...
Im fine with getting an i5?
and for gpu
Is better then this?
yes get the intel i5-3570K
and the gpu is depending on what you gonne use youre system for mainaley
if its pure gaming, then please take the sapphire 7870XT cause in pure gaming it just performs better, then a GTX660.
if you use software that like cuda cores like adobe photoshop and that kind of stuff, then go with a GTX-660Ti
but if the mainthing is gaming, sapphire 7870XT or powercolor 7870XT without any question.
Grtz Angel ☺
I tend to not favor AMD so much, only because I've had so many compatibility issues with them. With Nvidia you're getting a better frame buffer, and much much better driver support. I'm not sure about AMD's cards but nvidias come with adaptive Vsync too, which is nifty. I have a laptop with an AMD chip in it and while it's a nightmare to get some things to run properly it runs games well. I have no doubt that they're solid cards but you pay extra for nvidia for the better driver support and CUDA.
Just thought I'd throw in my two cents about GPU's, and as far as a cpu choice, you'd be future proofing your rig with a 3770k, but the 3570k is a rock solid processor and great for overclocking. OC'ing the processor cant hurt because to be honest you'll probably replace it in two years. if you went with the 3770k you'd probably get an extra year or two out of it because of the hyper-threading.
That motherboard is trash I had it originally. I had to get rid of it because it wouldn't allow me to manually set my voltages + no SLI support :'(
I really recommend you get atleast the g45
hey grassman, i know you from oc3d. :-)