What to use? What to use?

  • Arch Linux
  • Opensuse


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Which one should I choose.

are you familiar with linux at all?

What are you using it for?
Have you used either before?
Have you used Linux at all before?
Are you open to alternative suggestions?
Would you prefer a blue arch or a green lizard?
Do you like how every question gets progressively longer?


If you want out of the box, go with OpenSuse. If you want to start from scratch and nit pick go with Arch.

i like how your questions are structured in, steps?? :D

No option for Fedora.... also that title -_-

For web dev and coding.
In all honestly I haven't used either.
I have used Debian and Ubuntu for two years.
Of course I am very open to any alternative suggestions.
I actually do not know if I prefer a blue arch over a green lizard.
I am enjoying how every answer and question gets progressively longer.

I fixed the title @Thinking_Emoji and Fedora maybe an option.

I'd personally go with Arch, but honestly you'd be quite alright with Fedora as well. OpenSUSE would most certainly be fine as well, but I don't think it'd be the best for that workload. IMO I'd suggest Manjaro (Arch based) because it will decrease the complexity a little bit and be a tad more reliable unless you're sure you know exactly what you're doing, but more importantly the AUR is the most beautiful thing I've experienced in Linux. (Also, for the DE, though I rarely suggest Xfce anymore due to it's terrible and stale development cycle, Manjaro really makes Xfce shine better than any other distro I've used. Otherwise, there's KDE which is pretty solid, but community editions are also available though I would never recommend one.)

I don't get it... how can you have a toss up between those two?

They aren't remotely similar and serve radically different purposes!

What to drive? What to drive?

  • Lotus Elise
  • Ford F-450


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