I recently upgraded to A6 6400k with 8gig 1866mhz. It may not be alot but old machine was 7 years old, and this was all I could afford at a time. I'm wondering which GPU would a good option for paring to get max performance without bottlenecking on APU side?
I was thinking something like HD 6670 with 2gig gddr3, any advice?
i dont know what you can spend, but maybe just grab dedicated gpu, and use the apu just as cpu.
maybe something like a R9-270. But yeah the cpu is still only a dual core, so you will probably run into some bottleneck wenn you play demending games.
You could also concider a cpu upgrade to the Athlon 760K and a radeon 7850. for example, but offcourse i dont know how much you can spend.
7850 wouldn't be that much of an upgrade from a hybrid crossfire 6670. Save some money and get a 750k and the newest best GPU you can afford. Or buy something like a 280x now and get the CPU later, but expect some bottlenecking with either.
Well budget is currently zero, but I was looking for something between 50-70 euros. It was never meant to be a proper gaming machine, but it would be nice to have 30fps at medium on relatively recent games.
well i would wait, but you could maybe look for used parts, maybe you could grab a used 7850 for cheap somewhere. and upgrade to a athlon 760K on the road.
If I run into something nice I will definitely take that approach. Anyway I give up on the crossfire thing, unless I find something really cheap as a temporally solution.