If you are interested in a free linux online course. It is self paced and starts 3rd quarter of 2014, but it's a great starting point for those wanting to start learning but don't quite know where to start.
Link: https://www.edx.org/course/linuxfoundationx/linuxfoundationx-lfs101x-introduction-1621
Your Brother in I.T.,
Thank you, I appreciate the help. I have been using a Linux system for years, and really want to get around to learning it.
Marketing to sell the cert for 250 dollars. At the most basic level? Got the email today. Is it worth it. No Free class without the cert? Yes.
Can we say MS . OH Great Gabe. :( If you use the tactics of your enemy? What does that make you?
March 13, 2014, 5:18am
Thanks mate. Just learning Linux at the moment, so this will be a great course for me.
Can´t wait for this course to start