What to know what is the best card for $200

Like I said just looking for a 200 doller card for gaming dont want to go over 

ty for the input

Your best bet would be a GTX 660, which you can find for around $210 after mail-in rebate usually. If you really can't go over the $200 mark then the Radeon HD 7850 is going to be the card to go with.

I would really urge you to spend a little bit more and get a Radeon HD 7870 though. You can usually get them for around $240. To make things simple, here is a list in order of performance:

1) Radeon HD 7870 - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150604&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=

2) GeForce GTX 660 - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121664&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=

3) Radeon HD 7850 - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150641&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=

The GTX 480 is also good option if you can find it for a decent price. http://www.amazon.com/MSI-GDDR5-NVIDIA-Graphics-N480GTX-M2D15/dp/B003HFJZZG/ref=pd_cp_pc_1

You may also be able to find prices a little cheaper on ebay.

+1 to the 480, a real performer, and quite the under dog TBH..


ty you guys for the input put dont want to go for older card.Vortex88 I think your right I don't like the xfx cards the heat up alot I heard.I kind of want to go with this card 


or might think about spending a bit more and get this card 


also just want to say that I like amd a lot more the gtx sorry but ty for the input 

also just want to add that I have A10 5800k apu overclocked at 4.6 Ghz just want to know if there will be some bottleneck there not sure?

once again ty guys for the input

Expect a large enough bottleneck yes...

can you tell me a card that might not bottleneck with apu.Will underclocking less increase the bottleneck ? Can you tell me a good gpu to pair with the apu?Juat want to know if I do this card and does bottleneck work will it heart the parts in my computer? what I meant to say is will it kill the parts in my computer?

Well, most notable cards will bottleneck. For the money, though, a 7770 would be your best bet. Use the extra $70 to get speakers, a webcam, or something.

You might as well just get a 7850 or 7870. Even if there is a bottleneck, they'll still perform better than a 7770. Not to mention that APUs have around the same processing power as a Phenom II, which people around here recommend all the time for budget builds because they can't seem to let go. There will be a bottleneck, but it's probably not large enough to worry about.

brennanriddell  Vortex88 ty you guys for the input but I think I will be getting this card 


or this one 


mosty likey the 7870 like vrotex said I will still get beter performance with the bottleneck then a 7770 card .also might think about upgrading in about 6 mounths.

just want to know if will have problems with games other them lower fps?also just want to know what kind of fps do you think I will get in most games? (I play on 1600/900 )

Not going over $200, this would be my choice.



just go for the 7870

ive you go for a 7850 or 7870 dont go  for the XFS Ghost editions (single fan editions)  they have heating problems, i readed much about it, the cooling from that fan is realy bad, there are much better single fan cards, i readed a benchmark and revieuw about this, and the best performing card with single fan cooling was the Club 3D 7870 Joker.

if you wanne go for a XFS 7870 then take a double disspansion version.

I think he should sold his A10 5800k and buy A10 6800k since Richland is out this month on March 19, NDA is lifted on March 12 so wait for reviews...

If was going to sell it I would sell the mobo and apu and get a AMD Phenom 2 X4 965 black edition