What to do with cool domain

So a while ago I saw that jackiechan.rocks was an unregistered domain. So ofc, I bought it.

Almost a year has passed and much has really been done with it.

I'm hosting a single file (https://jackiechan.rocks/StepMania.rar) and a single HTML page.

I've got plans for other stuff, but right now am unsure of what to actually use it for. Throw some suggestions

Great domain, I got one of those free .gq domains + free student hosting and I don't know what to do with it either :(
I'm currently hosting 500k digits of pi as placeholder. www.victorhugo.gq
I know my code is Scheiße, don't waste your time mentioning it.

Also praise hotpink color

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Check out this thread for ideas: https://forum.level1techs.com/t/just-got-a-domain-what-should-i-do-with-it/112016/18

It also goes into ddns update protocol setups for the domain if you want to self-host anything (Think: raspberrypi).

It's self hosted on a little VPS in the netherlands. I usually just use my server to host files for people.