What to do with broken Nexus 7

Hey there, I bought a 16GB nexus 7 on the day of release last year. The tablet had the common issue of the screen being raised up along the side and it cracked of it's own pressure of just being badly fitted on the second day of use. It left a bad taste in my mouth to have bought such a poor quality product for £210 and I left it in a drawer rather than pay google nearly the full cost of a new tablet to replace it.


What do I do with this tablet?

Screen replacements are now £60 on ebay but there's a rumour of a new nexus coming in july for £180.

A second hand nexus can be bought for under £100 on ebay and repairing the screen can go bad easily I hear, these screens are brittle. They are more brittle than anything else I can think of.


What would you do?

Any way to use the internal hardware to build something with? Like it's a rasberry pi?

You can scam somone on ebay.  If perhaps you have morals, you can turn your tablet into a frisbee.   Or you can contact ASUS and bitch about recieving a defective product.

if it has a hdmi adapter you could put it on your tv and get a bluetooth keyboard mouse thing and use it on your tv a to watch stuff and use the internst.

Unfortunately, the nexus7 has no video out. No mini HDMI or anything.