What to do with a decent computer that cannot upgrade past windows 8

Keep in mind that Gaming on Windows Server can be a hassle sometimes.
I tried that on my home PC once when Windows 10 did another unintended Update. Server 2016. Drivers for consumer Hardware can work, but doesn’t have to, i couldn’t get my Gamepad to work, USB Soundcard was flaky at best. Two Games didn’t install. Basically, its a server and not intended for Desktop/Gaming use. You can be lucky, but can also have a lot of work getting everything to work…


Thanks for the heads up, I’ll just have to try it and see how it goes.

This website will be helpful.

What he said. Does the owner care about security? If not then leave it as it is. It is not your computer after all.

Which is exactly what I do, which is why I never had a virus or anyone on my network which I didn’t invite. Hence the router/firewall connected, with a LAN that’s protected. 90%+ of all unwanted is social engineering, not hardware or software.

install linux on it and use it in a garage or farm!
it can still serve some use!
set up PicarOs for kids education.