Hi there! Thanks to christmas and a birthday, I have 4 raspberry Pi model B+'s to play with...
Long and short: what should I do with them? I don't really have enough space, power plugs or adapters to use them all in the same place, but I likely could scatter them about a bit.
I have SD cards for them all, two 32GBs and two 8GB, the 8GB's have noobs installed, one of them has raspbian installed and one has the install files for raspbian, but I never got round to installing it properly.
Is it bad that was my first thought? I even clambered into my loft and got my legos out.. haha Unfortunately i dont have a free switch for the ethernet and i dont have a spare extension cord and ac adapters for the pi's to all be in one place
[edit]: use 5V from an old PC power supply to run them all. find an old switch for almost free from a used computer parts store. ...or, send them all to me!