What to do while at an airport for nearly 6 hours drinking absinthe with only one hour of free wifi?

So Im flying back to my home country today from Stansted and I had to come here early because Boris and his 24 hour tube failed so there was very little way for me to reach the airport at 4 (when I need to show up for my flight).

So Im sitting at the airport bar drinking beautiful absinthe and slowly looking at my only free hour of wi fi seeping away...

Will you help me Tek Community? <3 Make this hour worth it!

Pic war and chill

Also https://forum.teksyndicate.com/t/wtf-is-dungeons-dragons-find-out-in-this-thread/93263

Hey atleast you have some money in your pocket and a ticket.

Im not complaining, just first world probleming <3


Trying to explain to people who don't understand that making Islamics wear ID cards is literally Hitler.

and music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbQgXeY_zi4&list=PL7odT97B5pLb6-vCXQs4vTNZjAIYvRPyc&index=1

Its not literaly Hitler but it is very clear racism and facisim.

Also history is more complicated than "Hitler killed the Jews". Many high level Nazis pulled all sorts of strings. One man cannot kill 8 million people ^.^

Nope but It helps. Also sort of relevant. fucked up I know lol

I love historical dark humour.

Im Polish, Im allowed XD <3

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Update: Im watching this: http://cinemassacre.com/2015/12/07/avgn-bad-game-cover-art-7-snow-white/

Waay to late. But I don't supose you changed your Mac every hour to get 1 hour free every hour?

I just tethered my phone in the end XD