For the past 5 years microsoft has been inflicting a serious case of defficiency on everything they've touched, starting with windows phone and moving up to windows 8.
While I do recognize that 8 is a good usable OS ( and my daily driver ) I cannot explain why they're doing what they're doing.
1. Their mobile operating system is just bad. they've removed features from 6.5 and earlier in the name of being more like apple, except not being apple. On top of that their device pricing is a far cry from the OS' capabilities.
2. Their move towards an apple-esque marketplace on windows geared toward all the consumers that do not actually exist. People dont want windows for apps. they want it mainly for office and general usage. Why try shoehorn your crappy implementation of a "modern UI app store" when people generally dont care about that?
3. They move of destroying the essence of windows - windows is about windows - the metro interface is not about windows - its' about having a single frame in which to display content and not much more, Not really being able to see multiple things while multitasking, it can be passed off as a tablet mode, but even as a tablet mode, it's not a good design. (especially if we consider the color schemes)
What makes it really painful though is that microsoft doesnt know who to appeal to. Everything they touch turns into "Like apple, maybe better, but missing the core concept". And one would guess that microsoft is not this dumb.
At this point they're only afloat because they're microsoft, and their profits are melting away.
My question is: Why are they making stupid decisions and not profiting from what they've always done?
Is this some kind of a corporate mid-life crysis making them want to be hip? What the hell is going on in there?