i don't know if my interest in bands would be called metal. buti am trying to find good metal that dos not sound like someone suffering .i want more of a sound of anger and fighting against social problems.
i picked up on bands like
but, i only listen to them for a short while .did not hold my interest for long.
I'm trying to get into some metal as well. You should try listening to Eluveitie. Some of their songs do sound like someone screaming, but some are more vocal lead.
RED isn't metal, but it is certainly a great band. I enjoy their music as well.
Hold on now, I actually agree with him. I find most of those bands kinda blah. I used to be able to listen to some of them, but they don't hold my interest much these days.
What would you recommend? I figured he probably wouldn't like Amon Amarth, Moonsorrow, Omnium Gatherum ect, because he doesn't like stuff that sounds like someone suffering which I think translates to the harsh vocals? Those were the only ones I had that didn't really have them.
Ok I don't know why you guys are piling all this unrelated metal onto him when he wants punk bands from the "nu metal" sounding era hence the slight metal influence, so with that said you might like:
-Old A Day To Remember ( Try the album "For Those Who Have Heart")
-Maybe some old I Killed The Prom Queen?(Music for he Recently Deceased album)
That's what I got in the nu metal and hard rock categories. I think these are gonna fit you more than what most people here (myself included) interpret when you say metal.