What Single Board PC would you have?

Okay this is just a piss take topic, if you had unlimited money to spend on a single board PC, for anything you want, not just programming, and why?

Link the specs/name below

I would use the Jetson TK1, reason for this is due to its GPU, the GPU is the best I have seen on embedded, and I like raw power, and the Tegra K1 would give me this, The Mini PCI also allows for a nice expansion based on the task at hand, it would mostly be used for a ssd, but if I was away, I could easily flash the board with a wifi module and it gives me easy net access when needed, and I would be more comfortable with Linux and a TK1 on public wifi due to the improved system security within Linux.

Adding to that with the GPU power, I could easily use a 3D program to print a nice case for the system, while I have no experience with 3D printers, and I have no idea what specs work best with the programs for designing cases, I guess if this was my only PC, the TK1 would give me the best performance.

The downside to having a TK1 is I cant use batteries like with the RPi, or at least to my knowledge, if so I expect the processor would be rather efficient, but no where near the draw of the Rpi.

But as I would use this the PC as a desktop and a main one as that, the TK1 would suit my needs better than the XU3 due to the GPU.


the one with the best specs and ...red

mine would be the ASRock C2750D4I Mini ITX Server Motherboard FCBGA1283 DDR3 1600/1333

12 sata ports!!

Id have that as a programming machine, would work well that with a a low end GPU, may even do some slight games in Linux

Intel's new Compute stick looks promising.

I really hope the release a dev board version of it

I really want one of those

Piss take?  Is that like a spit take, but instead of spitting out your drink when you hear or see something shocking, you pee your pants?