What should I upgrade first?

Hey peeps! So here is my current build:   http://pcpartpicker.com/user/HelloImTinyT/saved/7vtNnQ

And I was wondering what parts I should upgrade first? This is a gaming PC, and my reason for wanting to upgrade it is so that I can play games on higher settings but still getting good performance. My budget is around $200-350.

Any help would be great, thanks for everything!

A new GPU and CPU would be what i recommend. If you watch for sales you could get a fx 8320 for like 130usd and a r9 270x for around 150$. But be careful and make sure your motherboard supports the 8 cores properly. If you are not overclocking it should not be an issue but always check with your product manufacture. 

EDIT: you may also consider waiting for CES to see what nvidia and amd bring to the table. A price drop is bound to be around the corner as well as a new product launch. 

I would either upgrade to an i5 or get a new video card.  Are you limited by your current cpu?  If not a new video card would be the best option to increase performance.  If your games are cpu bound go for the an i5.

This may be a dumb question but how would I know if it uses cpu or gpu?

Well, games use both.

Open up windows task manager and go to the performance tab.

Download something like MSI afterburner or GPU-Z to monitor GPU load.  Whatever tends to max out more often is the one that needs to be upgraded.

option 1: cca 130usd / just buy a used  amd  r9 280x,  the mobo looks a bit weak for a  FX 8320, and games are bad utilising more then 4 threats, with that you can do max 1080p gaming for another year.

Reasons: weak mobo, can't handle 8 core fx,  the VMR will blow if you overclock and the clock per clock are similar 


option 2:  amd r9 290 /269 usd


and a 700/800w PSU   for about 80 usd

-total 350 usd

reason: you can transfer the psu to the new build down the road. and the r9 290 will heave your back cowered for some time at 1080p



Upgrade your cpu to the amd fx6300 or fx4300 which the motherboard should barely able handle the 6300 and try to get a amd r9 270x for your gpu upgrade. Upgrade the cpu first which should be your first priority 

So hold off on a new CPU and MOBO? Should I just upgrade those later on? And instead get a r9 290 and PSU?