hey guys,im going to try and keep this short and simple. i want to learn Python, Ruby, RoR, C, C++, C#, Objective-C, java, Javascript, and SQL. i need some advice on what order i should learn them in.
My advice is to learn Python first. Python allows you to get familiar with the basic concepts that are used in all programming languages without getting bogged down in things like memory management or which of a half-dozen collection implementations to use in a given context. After getting comfortable with Python, I would move on to C. Most of the other languages you list could all be seen as either building on C, or being very heavily influenced by it, so they will come to you easily after getting familiar with C. Javascript is something you will most likely pick up along the way if you're doing anything for the web. SQL is something you will also pick up along the way as you begin to interact with databases while learning the other languages.
The idea is to learn how to think in code with as few distractions as possible, and move into languages with more complexities/foot-guns like C++ after mastering the more forgiving languages.
It really all depends on you though. Try some tuorials in Python, Ruby, and C and see if any of them just feel more intuitive to you than the others and start with that one.
What is it that you want to do? I started out learning Java. Build a strong core and that should enable you to learn other languages quickly. Below is a link to video tutorials for lots of different languages.
thx for the advice guys. ive been looking at python and it seems really simple for me so i will start there.
Personally I learnt C and C++ first up and it was difficult but has taught me a very very many things about other languages. idk maybe I like to learn things the hard way, @captainwillard seems to have the right idea though
I started with C and Java first so I would say to start there, because I'd say they're more on the challenging side and will teach you good habits.
But before that, I would evaluating why you need each language, and what applications would you apply them too? As you have 10 different languages you want to learn, and that will take a considerably long time. I've been coding for about 5 years, and I only every really use 4 languages.
If you are new to programming I would start with python. I would also consider choosing a language to learn and sticking with it. If you start trying to learn them all you'll be good at some but master of none.
Personally, coming from a structured programming background, Python horrifies me. The idea that variables are not declared, but their data type is inferred at initialization, stinks of the bad old days of Basic. However, it's popular, as a beginners language.
My recommendation, after that short rant, is C followed by C++. Forget all that crap about it only being for hairy chested programmers who eat babies for breakfast, it's only as hard as you want it to be. The main thing is, you'll never run out of things you can do with it. Unlike others.
Strictly speaking SQL is not a generally purpose programming language, but a special-purpose programming language designed for managing data held in a relational database management system. That said it is certainly worth learning.
A couple of other languages you haven't mentioned, but are popular for business applications, are VB.Net and C#. There's always tons of work for these languages and you'll never go hungry. However, these days they are just not sexy.
My first programming language was LADDER (within TIA portal). But that is a very specific language.
But which language you should start at is really down to personal preference. Python will probably be an easier learning curve if you are not familiar with coding, but you cannot do as much as with a language such a C or C++.
Honesty, my recommendation is find a tutorial you like for a language, either text or video, maybe check out Barnacles' coding videos, and Stuart with what ever language that tutorial uses. I found that the teaching made a bigger difference to the ease of learning than the language itself.
Hope this helps.
Ruby or Python. This way you're focused on the programming concepts and paradigms instead of some weird syntax error that beginners tent to run into with C, C++, Obj-C and Javascript.
Check out the RubyWarrior as a fun way to play with Ruby after you have learned some of the basics.
@draq0 You should check out this video about learning to code. He pretty much sums up the dilemma for beginners language choice.
Pick up some good modern book about language of your choice. After you learn the first one and get good grasp of the concept, its much easier to learn other languages.