So 18th birthday is coming up soon, last birthday you get before socks infest your gifts. But I am stuck between to 3 options, each sound good.
I have-
asus 750i
Gtx 260 55nm
And a shitty case that i fucked up with a paint job
I want- Budget of $500-$600
A. Evga 790i ftw combo with gtx 260 55nm for sli + CM Scout case
B. Asus Rampage Extreme + 2 xfx 4870's (always wanted to do Xfire, plus matches with the case)+ Cm scout case
C. Core I7 920+ Foxconn Bloodrage+ Cm scout case
Which is the better option?
How the hell could you get any of the options with 500 bucks? But then again, i am in Canada.
Option C. is actually over my budget by default
But rest work nicely
i am leaning towards A. simply because its the cheapest option and i can always upgrade to a better cpu later on when the prices drop
Tell me how the CM Scout case is, since I'm probably going to upgrade in the future. The Antec 300 isn't that great of a case. : /