What settings do you think BF4 will run on this "$#!T" System T-T

Intel i7 3770 3.4 Ghz (Stock Heatsink)

2 TB 7200 RPM Drive

Samsung/Nanya 12GB 1600 Mhz Ram(Premade Computer T-T)

PSU:UNKNOWN but wattage is 460W 80+ Bronze

Motherboard by Dell T-T

AMD Radeon 7770 Ghz Edition(Overclocked to 1065 Mhz;Memory at 1200 Mhz)

Case of course is by Dell T-T

At 1080p, even if you play on low you will not be hitting 60fps, you will average around 30-35. You should be fine at 720p.

hm thanks, seems pretty graphic intensive T_T i had no other choice but to buy dell fml xD

it will play the game ok, nothing special, multiplayer may struggle a little as ive read that the amount of video ram plays alot into performance.

Just find the setting you can play with, dont expect epic performance but it wont completely suck either.

I would say at 1080p on low about 40-60 fps in multiplayer on the finished game and updated drivers depending on the map

The cpu is great, the gpu is going to bottleneck like hell. if you get any money, buy a 7870/660 or a 7950/660 ti.

but otherwise, pretty much what they all said, if you want to play at 1080p i would recommend going down to medium or low settings, but if you can deal with 720 or around there you should be good getting playable fps on high.

Sell that CPU, get an i5 and a 7950. 

listen to the wise words of the owner of the site.

edit: co-owner

if it's more of a workstation and it's just a bit of gaming on the side that might be downright bad advise depending on the programs

even still, a 7950 will render a lot better than a 7770

actually, the main difference between the 2 cpus is hyper-threading, so the increase he would see in the workload would probably be negated by the gains in the graphics power, which would be beneficial if he's programs for video editing, picture editing, and so forth, although if he is he might want to consider the green team more heavily.

like i said, depending on the program, there are still many applications that do not utilize the gpu at all, then again for all i know this is meant as a gaming machine, only brought it up because 3770k/7770 sounds like a workstation to me and i disapprove of recommending things without knowing the full story

a while back someone asked on the forum for us to help him on a 3d modeling workstation build, after quite bit of recommending  firepros and quadros, and arguing about what is better in open cl, open gl, ect., then it came out that the program he uses for modeling uses the gpu for nothing more than projecting images to the screen, this is why i ask questions before making reccomendations

Yes, it will be more than fine with BF4, but certainly not at max settings. I would look into a 7950 while they're cheap, though.

Or you could get a 7990 and a new PSU and have a beast computer