What RX480 to buy? dutch edition

heard asus gpu tweak also does it.


F yes thank you!

still if you can get it to 1400's you pretty much got most of it already... I don't recommend pushing it further (you may be able to get another 20-30MHz with this ASIC) else you can ask JayZ for his unlocked bios, xfx has different bios.

so as i understand you can't use modded BIOS with current drivers?

maybe, i don't follow it really.

Ah well memory speed slightly lower will most likely not really impact performance that much.

Get ready to be disapointed, after playing BF4 for more than an hour it suddenly crashed... and it crashed until i got it to 1390
Now using TRIXX i got the voltage up to 1.25v and tried 1430 again but crash...
1420 does seem to be stable (so far) @ 1.25v

Is this a good overclock or not? what should i expect from a RX480?

1350 to 1380 is pretty average, 1400 is pretty dang good, and 1450 on air is an asic blessed with a platinum butthole

also: polaris doesn't scale quite as well with voltage as past AMD cards.

so... try to get 1400 with lower voltage?
or keep this?
Quite confused to be honest

Edit i think i need to let it sink in that the first RX480's where pretty slow and low clocked (with a reason)

OVERCLOCK THREAD HAS BEEN CREATED, please share your overclocks

take your memory oc down, and up your clocks 1150mV should be used for 1370-1380; 1175mV for 1390-1400, 1200mV for 1400+; but don't forget about powerlimit (drag it up to max)

Overclocking memory doesn't give you a lot of performance; also it makes additional strain on power.
If you have to downlock your memory.

hows your cooling? Temps?

Bit off topic and an bit not, are there any non Etailers where you guys buy those things?

sadly nothing works,
the temps are perfectly fine with 75c on the core and the VRM's are even cooler than that.
Also the powerlimit was already +50%

I buy online as the store's are very expensive

thats odd, have you tried setting pci-e lanes to x8? (sometimes its autistic that it works)

Fun fact, my first PCI-E slot is not usable because of my CPU cooler.
So the gpu sits in the second PCI-E slot, thus always running @x8 haha

Overpriced indeed, and stores are fading out rapidly even here in Utrecht.

so maybe thats your problem, there isn't enough wattage going through that slot?

Not only in Utrecht.
We really would need something like a huge Microcenter uphere.
I hate to buy stuff online, because i like to see the parts before i buy.

Electronics can have a neurological condition? I don't think you're qualified to make that diagnosis. Have you taken you electronics to a neurologist?

Well mobo's are known for having neurological issues.