What RGB led?

I was wondering what light strip brands are the best in quality. I'm wanting something that has a strong adhesive that each RGB/white led can be an independent color.i plan on mounting it under my motherboard and plug directly into a RGB header.

Motherboard: MSI Z170A MPOWER GAMING TITANIUM ATX LGA1151 Motherboard

This is something I was looking at. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00VQ0D2TY/ref=aw_wl_ov_dp_1_2?colid=2A41AA3HYVQM7&coliid=ITA0Q0ZS62AVL

I can't say what'll be supported by your mobo but if SPI is an option for you then go that route.

I just finished lighting a room with LED strips and had success with the ws2801 (SPI) since the ws2812b (what you linked) required a baud rate that was far too high for my raspi. Your mobo may be different but the former is 4 pins and the latter is 3 pins so if either is an option go with the ws2801. Both are individually addressable.

Practically all the LED strings available are made in the same factory, with only a different brand name seperating them (like many consumer products). Realistically , you won't notice a "quality" difference between LED strips, or if there is, it wouldn't warrant the price difference. Just buy the cheapest ones you can find, which would most likely be on EBay.

you have to be aware that LED != LED

those individual RGBs are normaly WS2812 (b) or normal LEDS that are controlled by an WS 2811 controller.

Those run on 5V and just take +5V, ground and a Datasignal.

The others just take voltage. You need to find out what type of LEDS your motherboard supports.
Because like Hardwarecanucs did it, you'll destroy either the LEDS or the LED Driver on the Board.

NZXT Hue + uses WS2812b LEDS

hope that helped.

Rage out.

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