While not related to your PSU choice, I'd look at getting a Xeon e3-1220v3 instead of your i7, since it's practically the same, except without an iGPU and costs ~$100 less.
(assuming you're in the US) http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116907
There's only a £10 difference between the Xeon and i7 here on amazon uk. Is there a performance difference between the two? I can't seem to find any benchmarks that show a noticeable increase among the two. Since the i7 only costs £10 more it seems like the better option? Ridiculous price difference between them in america and the UK.
Which Xeon? The 1230V3 is pretty much 95% of the power of the i7 4770 (non-k). The 1220V3 is much closer to an i5 since it does not have hyperthreading.
For all those parts, I'd say a Corsair RM series PSU would be good. Anywhere from 650W or higher is you plan on adding more hardware in the future. But you won't actually hit 650W with that rig. Unless you go dual GTX 760's or R9 270X's, or whatever.