I'm going to be constructing a gaming computer around september and christmas what parts should i buy?
This computer is mainly going to be used for gaming and i dont not require a cd drive,monitor,keyboard or mouse.
I know its sorta hard to help me choose parts when im not constructing it in a long time but.. i want ideas.
if able to can you also provide links to the websites where you see the items. ( i live in Australia so i dont think i can buy things from Newegg?)
i have a $1500 budget :) help meeeeeeeeeeeee
8 gigs of ddr3 RAM or more... 1600mhz please :P
hopefully a GTX 560ti or better
You can get much better that a 560 ti
Watch this video Logan did. it's a $1200 Gaming PC Build
if your looking for something sitting at 1500. you might be able to do a little better if you look around the web you probably could be able to do a little better.
I think you should be able to find the power suppply for closer to 100 dollars.
I took a look on PCPartPicker.com and this is what I came up with. It's a little over budget, but not too much as long as you buy everything from the retailer with the lowest price. You can probably go with a cheaper case or motherboard too. If you can't see the image, just zoom in with your browser. Press control and scroll up on the mouse wheel.
If you have a pc with a preinstalled copy of windows 7 heres something that can save you $100: http://www.pcworld.com/article/248995/how_to_install_windows_7_without_the_disc.html
Looks good to me, but I would still go with the i5 2500K and put the extra money you save into a nice cpu cooler. The 2500K will overclock much higher than the 3570K, and will perform much better when overclocked; plus it will run cooler.
I'm also a little wary of Antec PSU's. I recommended one to my friend, and when he plugged it in, it burnt itself out instantly and all the lights in his apartment went off. He had to flip some breaker switches to get the power back on, and the PSU was fried. I'd recommend Seasonic, Corsair, Silverstone, and Enermax.
I'd get a Radeon HD 7970 instead of the GTX 670 too. The 7970 has more VRAM, performs better, and will actually outperform a GTX 680 when overclocked.