What ISP on Earth provides the best Speed-to-Price ratio?


Simple fun question:

What ISP on Earth provides the best Speed to Price ratio?

No minimum speed applies. No maximum speed applies. No special currency applies. No special technology applies. Just which company is the best of the best on Earth for a typical household (or business).

On your marks, get set, and go everyone!

In the Netherlands, there is a small isp called Tweak.
Wo offers Gigabit up and download for €40,-

Tobad there no fiber availeble on my location :(

think there is one in hong kong that it's like 25$ a month for a fiber connection. or korea.

How about 56k internet for free? there should be a few dial up servers around i think Net Zero still has free dial up

VTel in Vermont was amazing. Gigabit for under $50. If you want a static IP, $10 extra. Run servers all day.

lol that is a good price I pay $68 dollars for 12M down 768k up DSL and home phone. I could switch to Cable internet 12M down and 512k up. For $54.00 For giggles I called the business office for Dedicated internet. I could get two T1s bonded for 3up 3down for a cheap price of $299.00. I even called them to see if they would run G.bond to my house. They don't offer it in my area. G.bond is where they bond two DSL lines together. I live 2000ft from the distribution center. Right in the center of town. Thank you the Last mile. =)

For less than $12/month (€10.5) i get 65 Mbps ( 8MB/s) + digital tv + real IP and solid service. I signed a contract for 18 months though. I think it's decent for the money :). My ISP: http://NET1.BG. Most ISPs in Sofia offer the same prices +/- 5% (onlinedirect.bg, megalan.bg) and few of them run fiber to the house (with the cons that you get an extra box for the fiber2ethernet taking up space). I'm kind of glad that the competition is strong :)