What is wrong with my computer!?

I think I could have some sort of virus, but I am not sure. So basically a bunch of my folders are slightly see through like less opacity. When I go to the properties of the folder to change it to not hidden it won't let me uncheck the box. And now I can't even play minecraft I get a big error when I start it up, I am pretty sure it is because the "AppData" folder is one of the unlucky folders that have turned see through. I really want to know how to fix this and how big of an issue this is to my computer.

Google it i guess, I really don't have an idea to what could be happening but i would say that it is some sorta virus. You could download a free anti-virus (Download AVG) and then scan your computer if you have not already done that. I hope this help in some way and i'm really sorry that this happened and i know that this can be very frustrating. 

I have been out ranked by the IT consultant, but from experience I can say that placing antivir and malware bytes on a flash drive from a clean pc and plugging it in to your infected one and installing the software and using it is an effective way to remove some viruses, and i have learned that with viruses and pretty much every other situation; google is your friend




I am a IT consultant and I have worked on computers for years. You most definitely have some kind of virus. It seems doubtful to me any system errors caused this. Do this use a tool like hirens boot CD. If you have any pictures or documents back them up to external media. Scan those files from that media using some good Malware and antivirus tools. While your at it scan for spyware too and then do a clean install. I recommend just doing a clean install of any programs you have. Make sure you format your computer to when reInstalling windows. If you have any questions let me know, Hope this helps.

Virus as others have said. Remember to change all your passwords once you clean your system.

Also don't forget to do a root kit scan

the appdata folder is suppost to be see through because by defalt it is a hidden folder.  as far as the minecraft crashing and other folders being hidden though it could be a virus or some file system error.

if your anti-virus dosen't fix it then you could try opening the comand prompt as an administrator and enter sfc /scannow .

My dad is a principle computer security engineer at EMC, and he says that it could be either a polymorphic Artemis! virus or perhaps a trojan virus that executes whenever you open any program or file.  The best thing to do is use McAfee or Avira or something off of a CD (NOT a flash drive, because sometimes the virus will see any removable drive as an open door to more victims.  It could begin rewriting other files on the flashdrive, then any other computer you plug it into will become infected.)  

If you really want to go deep, you could do a forensic scan of your hard drive and not only get rid of the virus, but also rebuild any files that were deleted by the virus, and also forensically delete the virus (which means deleting the virus, then writing a file over the block on the drive where the virus was, then deleting that file.)  This method should only be done by a trained professional, and could become expensive.  Most people probably don't need to do this, but I'm just throwing it out there.  I wouldn't recommend that you do this since you're not doing any crazy spying type stuff, and presumably you're just gaming and browsing the web, so I wouldn't bother looking into doing this.

lol @ McAfee, it's freakin terrible

What's with people declaring what they do for a living when you post? it's a forum chaps not a boxing ring no need for competition here.


To remain on topic, i don;t think you have anything to worry about. However if you still feel something not right then please provide us with more information.




The best thing i can suggest is boot into safe mode and use Hitman Pro to scan for all sort of male-wares and then use male-ware bytes to scan as well as clean your PC. It should probably work. One more suggestion that take a backup of your files and perform a clean installation of windows again before you use that back up just perform a full depth scan to be sure that file are not infected ....Good Luck,,,! :)  

Try the Bitdefender Free edition at http://www.bitdefender.com/solutions/free.html I like it, it seems to be able to get rid of viruses that I have found on friends PC's.

hi, im an Applications Developer for the IT department where i work and i have no idea whats wrong with your computer. better off just formatting your hard drive and reinstalling your operating system

Do an advanced system care scan. If its not a virus it will fix it. Weather its a registry problem, windows problem, conflicting software problem or spyware/malware, this program has done amazing things for me and is so under rated. You can just use the free version and if you like it grab a key off youtube, there's no sense paying for it (although its the only program I have ever paid for just because its so great). If it is a virus you will know for sure and can begin your wipe with confidence. I recommend boot and nuke for the wipe process.

I only doubt the virus because its been so long since I have heard of someone actually getting one and I have never. Even though I constantly download and have never used virus/malware protection.

lol, op never even came back to the thread.

Is it me or appdata is a normally hidden folder (by default it is set as system)
try to run minecraft as admin and if it doesn't work, reinstall it
next, open the explorer,  if on windows 8, go to "display" tab, and uncheck "hidden items" on the show/hide category

Computer Aids, nuff said.