What is to much for what I'll be doing?

Its time I got a new PC for gaming. I need to know what Combonation of CPU, GPU & PSU I should get that won't be massive overkill for what I will be using them for.

I plan on overclocking the CPU at some point so lkeep that in mind,

Here is what I need the PC to run at the highest settings possible:

  • World of warcraft.
  • EVEonline.
  • Minecraft played like this
  • Just Cause 2 (can be on lower settings)


I just picked a random case anything that fits atx would fine

you could also get a 650ti if you need cuda 

If you were to rate the FX-6300 to a FX-8350, where would you put the FX-6300 on a scale from 0 to 1000, where 1000 is the FX-8350 & 0 being an apple?

All things considdored..


Well if you're playing WoW you definitely want Intel and Nvidia.   So basically i5 3570k, a gtx 660, and a good 550w PSU from corsair or seasonic (or other reliable companies)