What is the sharpest looking environment/theme?

I've been looking at different distros and environments, but am having trouble finding one that looks good to me. Can anyone recommend a very sharp/crisp looking environment/theme? I like the look of OS X (very clean lines, sharp font, etc.), but don't need it to replicate the layout (zorin). All I am going to do on linux is web surfing, music/movie streaming, and some software (libre office), so I am open to any distro & environment. From what I've seen so far, most environments seem very rounded (both the fonts and icons) and have gradient color schemes. Any help is very much appreciated, thanks. 

The look of the Window Manager can be adjusted with themes. Gnome 3, KDE, etc can all be more sharp cornered and clean if you get a theme that uses that aesthetic.

Out of the box, I think Enlightenment (E17 or E19) is probably closest although it behaves differently than other window managers and may have a bit of a learning curve at first. Bodhi linux is probably the best native Enlightenment distro.

Yup, you can customize it to your liking no matter which distro or desktop environment, just search:




Also check out gnome-look.org, kde-look.org, xfce-look.org... And i'm guessing you'll like Plasma 5 (won't be called KDE anymore), but it's still in development (not long).

A lot of people also like what Mint provides out of the box, it's also super noob friendly.

XFCE is launcher based like OS X.  And like the others said, you can adjust the rest to your liking with themes/settings.

have a look at Elementary OS - visually its a mac clone pretty much.

Just looked at Plasma, and thats the type of theme I'm looking for, thanks. 

You can customize pretty much anything you like so the sky is the limit. Gnome for example can be styled using css. If you really want to go minimal, you can get a simple window manager instead of a full blown desktop environment. You can usually tweak their colors or even the look and feel with a simple config file.

If you need some inspiration, check out: http://www.reddit.com/r/unixporn.

bspwm in either arch or openbox is pretty sexy


Plasma 5.2. The text is sharper than in 4 and the breeze theme is a breath of fresh air (pun intended).

classic shell. You cannot ask for smoothest and most pro looking like environment, theme than it.