Title pretty much says it. I'm looking to get this BenQ monitor for gaming because its at such a good deal right now but i'm specifically looking for a monitor with more than a 60Hz refresh rate and i cant seem to find out what the refresh rate of this monitor is. Its not on newegg or even the actual BenQ website. Does anyone happen to know? Feel free to recommend other monitors too that are good and at a reasonable price.
I believe it's only 60 Hz. Source: http://www.amazon.co.uk/GL2760H-inch-Wide-Monitor-1000/forum/Fx81A2E8D030CE/-/1/ref=cm_cd_dp_aar_ql?_encoding=UTF8&asin=B00HZF2ME0&cdSort=best
(It's in one of the answers to the questions about the product.)