i've seen people playing it, and it was at least 5 years ago, on PSP.
it's an adventure game, and it starts off lone (i don't know what happens later though), there is a map, and there are several regions, open air, then there is a chasm, and i think it's kinda icy; it's not cartoonish and it's 3d and i think it's Japanese
there is a place you go back and sleep and i think only male, there are dinosaur (or something similar) to fight, then kill, then take the food, then go back to your tent and cook it. i could imagine it with phoenix
it's single player (duh, it's psp, or maybe i just never seen ppl doing it) and i think it's a servival adventure game, i don't think there are much plots in it.
You say dinosaurs and i think monster hunter...might be it
Monster hunter! Get monster hunter freedom unite. Its the most polished one. Also if you have friends you can play with them on that version. You should know that the game does have a somewhat high learning curve and requires you to grind for dino parts to make weapons. I have spent hours battling giant dinos to just get 1/20 pieces of a weapon.
I love MH!! Did they ever get the network working on the ppsspp emu?
sadly no... there was a rumor that if you made a Japanese account you could play online but I tried it and it didnt work.
sucks would be awesome to get some MH in on pc with some of you guys.Think ill look into it some more maybe someone is working on it.
There's a MH Online or something of the sort. Its only for China, Korea, and Japan though, so you have to change your IP with a proxy or something of the sort to trick the servers. Lots of guides though, but I havent personally looked at it.
I did MH online the old jap one but you can only get to rank 3 or something like that without paying a sub. Was really fun all the same.