What is the biggest problem for linux adoption?

Tried to pysicalize an Ubuntu VM follwing the same steps in ESXi that I did for a Win10 VM- at first could not get an output to the display- installed the AMD drivers and the VM is wrecked. Remove the pass-through components, add them to a win10 VM, I’m in business.

Not going to put in the half day to half week effort to get Linux to work- if at all after that much labor.

My analogy would be that I also did a bunch of work in the garage- work that a great many others wouldn’t do but would pay to have someone else do, much like they want a computing experience that is more turn-key. IMO where linux zealots deviate from the analogy is where I can understand why others would not do that garage work yet I do it, lots of linux zealots do not understand why people don’t eat/sleep linux, or rather why they just “don’t get it”.

I might mess around with Ubuntu + vmwaretools + amd drivers to accomplish this, but now that I have a working station, there ins’t much reason to.

In my oppinion the winbutton and then just app name usually returns the app you want even if the stuff you wrote is actually in the apps description.

However, stuff like this, where the “monitors” in the display setup keep getting smaller as you plug in more stuff with seemingly no way to make them bigger makes display management irritating, which would be fine, if it wouldn’t reset itself every once and a while or when I plug in a VR headset

The biggest obstacle to widespread adoption of Linux (imo) is too many forks in the kitchen.
It’s not possible to support every snowflake varient currently out there.
Attempting it would be madness.
At least with iOs and windows there is a single point of contact with the developer. Without a standard or road map for Linux development, you will never get adequate coverage in support.


I could easily be convinced that the only difference between distros should be a matter of default preferences and whether you’re installing binaries or compiling from source (for the full-fat, <monster truck commercial voice>EXXXtreme LinuXXX EX-EX-EX-perience!!!</monster truck commercial voice>).