What is the best webhost for a simple website?

I've got a very simple website that simply displays company info, so I don't need some fancy webhost. However, I'm not too knowledgeable about cheaper places like GoDaddy, so I have no idea where to go to get the best (and cheapest) price.

If you get a domain(10$/yr), you can link it to a google sites page.  Very cheap and would likely be effective for what you want to do.

Link: https://support.google.com/sites/answer/99448?hl=en&ref_topic=4565974

squarespace seems to offer a simple complete solution. Try them.

My friend had a really bad experience with go daddy. After deciding to change host, go daddy kept his domain name for 6 months, so he had to sing up to them again or change domain. It was one of those things written in "small print". Idk if that's a regular thing with them (and others) or he just choose a really bad option, but beware of those things.

I use ukhost4u.co.uk and auhost4u.com

Host4u's shared hosting is fairly hard to beat if you're after cheap.

They're also reliable - In the last 4 years or so I have never noticed any downtime and service tickets are pretty much instant even over holiday periods.

I host all my dead simple (backend free) sites on S3. It is cheap as, and free for a year for regular traffic sites.

Pricing: http://aws.amazon.com/s3/pricing/

I host a WordPress site on Bluehost and it works great. They also do email hosting and a few other things. I've never had any site downtime out of them and everything in the control panel is very easy to use. I highly recommend it for CMS based sites, but it may be a bit more than you need for a simpler site.

I've been with GoDaddy for 2 years for my simple site.  I can't recommend it enough.  The customer support is amazing.  They've handled all the domain stuff, and even helped me with some programming related things.  It's felt very inexpensive, too. :)

For a simple site? I would go with git-hub pages, it's free and very reliable. Assuming that you won't be needing a login/register function you're all good.

You can even add a blog with Jekyll later on.

I've used domain.com and Blue host, domain.com IS slightly cheaper but Blue host is much better in my opinion, as they give you the ability to do almost anything you want 

Go free. Why use a crappy-cheap hosting when you can get the best in business for free? Give github pages a go. You'll love it

This kind of thing is apparently rife with hosting companies. Trying to use a domain name purchased from one hosting company with another hosting company is seemingly ridiculously awkward to do, the company that sold the domain never wants you to use it elsewhere. It's a bit ridiculous really. I don't think it's a GoDaddy specific thing unfortunately.