What is the best ways to carry one or 6 of these?

If you're careful, you could probably get by with an anti-static bag. The good news is with Intel CPUs, there are no pins to bend, so as long as you keep them away from electrical danger, they'll probably be okay.

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In a blender i guess :D


Cool. No anti static bag so, I'm opting for individually newspaper wraped and all placed in a brown paper bag. And hand carry in a plastic bag.

No blender available. But I'll look around.

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Three episodes of south park on a row? Move that core 2 duo, is there more? What channel is that?

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A coffee bean grinder would probably work okay as a substitute. /s

Only have a pepper grinder.

If it fits, hey, not bad.

buy cpu tray

That tray doesn't fit his 2 larger cpu's, just fyi.