I would like suggestions on books or websties that can teach me alot about pc gaming.
what exactly do you want to know about it? I mean, the basics is you have some sort of gaming rig, and you install steam and purchase games and play them. games made by EA are only on origin, and games made by Ubisoft force you to install Uplay to play their games.
Websites to learn about pc gaming: Go to the PC gaming forum on this website.
Books? I don't think there are any relevant books around that pertain to current PC gaming.
The only tried and tested way to gain extraordinary knowledge in gaming is to give up on life and become a lvl 99 ubermensch wizard druid shamalamadingdoer
Take the easy route. List all questions in the forum and people will tell you what you need to know.
... "teaching pc gaming" I dont quite understand? what do you want to learn?
If you want to know how to build a gaming pc, watch the Tek Syndicate build videos and hit up the Build a PC subforum:
If you want to know about gaming in general, hit up the PC Gaming subforum:
Other than that, just play. It will all become clear soon enough.
Play the games you'd like to play and watch good let's plays like those on beergamesbeer or pistols twitch channel. Ooooor, watch tek Syndicate.
Here's one info: Don't have a shit body posture or else you may be handicapped for a long time.
I don't know if this is a troll or not but all you do is play games really, and you learn from that. there isn't really a theoretical gaming book that would explain gaming as they're all different.