What is the best T-mobile phone for under $200?

I am going to be getting a new cell phone,cause my current Net10 LG900GHL is crap and it is starting to annoy me,and i am going to go with the walmart family mobile(cause i work at walmart and get a discount).

And they said any T-mobile phone works with it,also i can't afford to spend more than $200 and would rather not buy used.

What i would like to be able to use my phone for other than calls is to watch youtube,surf the internet without any trouble,listem to music and watch movies off an micro SD card.

2 phones i saw they had at my store were an HTC Wildfire S(from the walmart family mobile) and a Samsung Exhibit II 4G(T-Mobile pre-paid that can be made to work with the walmart family mobile) both are about $175

Should i get one of those? Or should i get something else? What do you guys suggest i get?

if you buy a phone under verizon, be advised that your first bill will be larger than the rest since you are paying the first month and the next month in advance

If youre looking for something good under 200$ I wouldnt recommend that. If i were you save up to buy a Galaxy Nexus unlocked for 350$ on the google play store.