What is the best Linux distro for music production?

I am making a triple boot system for me to use for music production,will be hooking up a MIDI keyboard up using a MIDI to USB adapter.

I will be then teaching myself linux and will also learn music,and try to create basic music for use in youtube videos.

Which Linux distro do you guys think i should use?

Any of them?

You will want one that offers a range of 3rd party applications (to make initial install easier) with something like Mint, Ubuntu etc. but in all honesty, the distro really doesn't matter. Choose one and just start working. Don't worry yourself about which distro you use.

This Thread;

Bitwig Studio is on linux now too.

Overall, I would agree, but Kxstudio has a few programs you won't find on any other distro.


you could use any I use linux mint kde with the kxstudio repository and I use ardour as my DAW.

If you have time, try some distros and check which one has more stuff working as you would like out of the box. Most sotware is either ported to each distro's repos and/or available as source for you to have some fun times in the terminal.

Start with a friendly distro like ubuntu, suse or fedora, and from there pick whatever you want. There are tons of distros around, and I wouldn't doubt for a second there are already some specified for audio production.

for basic music production any should do but if you are passionate, there are eons of great options
first off if you are passionate, you need a real time kernel, which is specially compiled to reduce latency when interacting with audio hardware, in order to get the greatest audio quality
next there is a audio server replacement, called jack, made for audio enthusiasts
all if this is explained in arch wiki detail
and can be applied to all distros
there is one distro ubuntu studio made to be for audio development, if you do not wish to mod one your self
ive never used it but heard great things, i would recommend it as its all pre done for you made to be the best for media production with all the above enhansments all done, with the best open source audio applications pre installed

try tangostudio, it has a lot of great stuff that works right after the installation

Ubuntu Studio is a dedicated distribution for this sort of thing: