What is the best GPU for my system?


I got my pc about a year ago now. Overall it is great and I enjoy the experience but I can see it lacking in performance with the new games here are the specs 

Amd 6300 3.7 GHz

8 GB

Gigabyte GA-78LMT-USB3 Micro ATX AM3+ Motherboard

AMD Radeon HD 7770 Core Edition

Antec 450 watt power supply

since if got some more money coming in i can now afford a graphics card  upgrade

any ideas?

my budget is 200 British pounds 

I can make additional upgrades if needed 

You are really going to need to upgrade your PSU if you want the more powerful cards. 

That being said an R9 270 should give you a pretty good performance boost and let you keep your current GPU. 

R9 280x is a very good card, and would probably run on your power supply.

If you can spend a little more, for 215 pounds you can get this R9 290. https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/part/msi-video-card-912v308002

It's much more powerful than a 280x, but there's also the increased cost of upgrading your power supply.

cheers lads.I had a feeling that a new power supply would be needed. i will probably go with the r9 280x

and probably upgrade the psu to  depending on the money i get.

I watch a video by tek syndicate and he got the gpu off eBay do you recommend me doing the same ?


I would go with a 290 the 270 won't be much if any upgrade from what you have and a 280 is a great card and all, but, 290s are lots faster and cost nearly the same right now. I have a 280x it drinks the power at load its up around 250-300 watts when its overclocked at running full tilt. The 290 is only going to be worse, I would try and get something around 650-800 watts which would run everything just fine.

For a PSUs just be a little careful where you get one; New is better, as they tend to lose efficiency and maximum power delivery over use and time. Not that there is anything wrong with getting a well cared for used one, just check to ensure the thing is good. Also, if you are going with a 290 just check some reviews out to make sure the rail/s can deliver the right amount of power.

I am going to rant about the mb..............


280 + cx500m psu http://pcpartpicker.com/user/deejeta/saved/JMNscf

Better to buy off ebay from a reputable seller compared to craiglist etc. You'll find heaps of cheap ex-mining cards for sale, some flogged out ones, others will be just fine - just hunt around. A second hand gtx 670/680 is also a good option.

Heres my options that I would get:

XFX Radeon R9 280 3GB Double Dissipation Video Card - Amazon UK 143.98 Pounds 

EVGA 600B 600W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply- Aria PC  46.09 Pounds 

That is if you are able to get 200 pounds and use the remainder of the money to buy Mountain Dew and Doritos for the next few days pun intended.

Wait for GTX 960 or buy R9 285. Anything else will not be enough of an upgrade, or would also require a new PSU

FX-6300 tho, so not terrible combo.

if you have the ability to spend the extra money (to go intel) then I might suggest a GTX 970.  It would be well worth the cost in my opinion.

An FX-6300 is fine for a 970. 

with the new maxwell power consumption, waiting for a sub 970 might be worth the wait. Or SLI 750 ti's? maybe not

You can't run 750 Ti's in SLI. One card only.