I'm currently watching the 1st Star Trek movie about V'ger.
It is a long established indisputable fact that the greatest Star Trek episode, movie or game of all time is:
Then I asked myself if TBOBW is the best, no contest, hands down, end of discussion...
'What's the second best?'
I knew that one right away also. For me anyway...
This episode had it all. The threat of universal annihilation. Edge of the seat cliff hanger ending. Best of all was the competition between William Shatner and William Windom (not Kirk & Decker) over who's character was the biggest fanatic and which actor was the biggest cheesiest ham.
What's your second best episode, movie, game or whatever?
(be specific: I don't mean a whole series, I mean a single or 2 part 1 hour episode)
I am not that big a fan of Star Trek that I would remember any favorite episode. Hell I am not sure with my memory the way it is now I could remember any favorite episode of any show. I would also say that it is unlikely I would pick one favorite as many shows in a series makes something good. At least to me that is the way it is.
TOS: 'Mirror Mirror'. For some reason I just wish they had made a whole mini series of this. There's also a part in the game 'Star Trek: Voyager -- Elite Force' where you can play in that universe.