What is love?

Watt is love. Baby dont hertz me. Dont hertz me. No morse


Absolutely brilliant.

Not sure but this might be helpful.....




  1. a strong feeling of affection.
    "babies fill parents with intense feelings of love"
    synonyms: deep affection, fondness, tenderness, warmth, intimacy, attachment, endearment;

  2. a great interest and pleasure in something.
    "his love for football"
    synonyms: liking, weakness, partiality, bent, leaning, proclivity, inclination, disposition;


  1. feel deep affection or sexual love for (someone).
    "do you love me?"
    synonyms: be in love with, be infatuated with, be smitten with, be besotted with, be passionate about;
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As said to Nordom, the fearsome cube warrior.


Just a release of oxitocin and other hormones in the cerebral cortex when we're around someone because our brain recognizes a pattern that suits it and because the biological clock says that it's time to reproduce and get the specie going.

We're just a system that reacts to the outside world and obey laws in our brain that we don't fully understand yet. A never ending pattern of success and failures.

It's the trick those chemicals do on our brains to fool us into thinking this person is the "one" and the best person in the world bar none (not logical). For men this wears off after about 4 years of the offspring's life at which point they are "safe".

Printers not dying constantly <3

Printers not dying instantly is love? I would accept ink being much cheaper from the manufacturers as being love. I am so sick of having printers around my house that got used once or were never used. Heck I would use one right now if I had bloody, affordable ink for it.


It is love when you're working somewhere where they rely on printers.

But I understand what you mean <3

Just wait for it...


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If you really sit and think about it, love is an unusual emotion, different from rest. An emotion so complex that it probably had to have been developed along the same time as when we developed the first "written language". If you think about the types of emotion we had to developed to survive in the early days of our ancestors those emotions make sense. Fear for example no doubt played a role in learning from past mistakes like falling of cliff made you die, hence, fear of heights which helps us traverse mountains better. Or, certain mammals eating our kind, hence, fear of wolves, lions, or sabertooths so we avoided at day and at night we listened for their growls and howls. Jealously, another example, probably played a role in mating and motivation to pass on genes for that one woman in the tribe with the most widest hips and biggest boobs that signaled "birthing hips" and maternal quality.

Love, on the other hand, required an advancement in language to communicate compared to the sole need of biological mating. An emotion that practically transcends biological needs, or rather, our primal extincts. Our evolution states that we should mate who ever is most fertile which means we would be looking for physical signs subconsciously, and, or consciously. Studies have been made that men tend to get attractive more to women that ovulate, symmetric face sends signals to both men and women that the opposite sex is healthy for mating, women that sway their hips more signal that they can bare children which is why men find that walk attractive, etc... However, love can, and, more often than not overcome those biological urges that we have.

It is then, I propose a theory, that love is our first human trait to further evolution, and, ultimately transcendence. Who knows, maybe in the days of machines with consciousness, or genetically modified humans that we yet developed another trait that will take us to another level. Perhaps an emotion that requires beyond verbal or written language, maybe, telepathy?!


that's deep man


Need more love.

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