What is good internet?

Since I dont pay for or choose what internet package we get I dont actually know what would be classed as good internet speeds. All I do is game and watch streams and I have never had any issues. Is what I have average good or considered a bit crappy? 

Your download speed is quite exceptional but your upload speed is not the best.  I have 20 Mbps down and 5Mbps up.  Overall you have a good package.

In the UK, those speeds are considered ludicrously fast.

In Cities of the UK those speeds are actually at the lower end of the speeds avaliable. As they use cable or fibre.

In the rest of the UK (seeing as openreach are so slow at laying fibre) DSL the fastest you will see is around 24Mbits Down 

I have 20 down 10 up and i'm paying @12$ and thats in the countryside.

In the city i have 100 down 20 up(i think) for 10$

That's in Romania.

I am getting 50 Mbps / 25 Mbps for free because of where I live.

It's enough for pretty much anything. Even 20 Mbps down is more than most people ever need.

This speed is considered normal where I live, but it really differs by country and area. In UK, what you have is accessible, but is generally expensive.

I think I am maybe 40 for internet TV and phone per month although Im not sure, what does your upload actually do though? That may seem like a stupid question, is it for if you are trying to stream or upload videos etc?

Yes, those are where heavier use of the up would occur. But when you request something, it obvious gets sent up and the response comes on the down.

I get no more than 2 mbps down. Screw you Tony Abbot!

I have 7 down and 1 up, but realistically it's more like 6.5 down and .75 up. And I pay ~$35 a month for it. And I used to be paying a couple bucks less for 1.5 down and who knows how little up.

It's extremely frustrating how some places have blazing fast internet for pretty cheap while other places have comparatively slow internet that are still quite expensive.

Oh, and to add insult to injury, I live right next to Provo. So close to Google Fiber yet so far.

I think I used to get 10 down and 1 up, really want to see the difference in time when downloading games, already enjoying how quick youtube videos in 1440p and 4k load

well, countryside germany here!

7mbit down, 1.5 up, ping 23, paying 45€ a month(~62$)

I get roughly 80mbp/s down and 40 up. I pay £48 per month for unlimited usage and phone/Tv. With my ping at around 6.

Is that soley for your internet though? Not including TV and calls?

I get 3Mbps down and .3Mbps up (that is 30 kilobytes per second FFS). And that is the best I can get where I live. All of you assholes can stop bitching.

No, £48 for the internet,tv and calls. :)

I seriously feel for you man, if I could donate a few Mbps I would, but alas that is not possible so read and weep

Wow thats decent, who are you with?


I pay for the Extreme 105 plan from Comcast and i get 120Mbps down and 20 something Mbps up.... Do i win? Whats my prize if i do win?