I was just wondering. I assume the most popular size is 6XL.
Can't tell if trolling or not.
I have no idea. I'm planning on buying one of those key-caps with the burning earth logo on it.
I have to get the new Chaos Ensues shirt. It's fucking awesome!
I ordered my Chaos Ensues T shirt tonight, first Epic Pant's order, am impressed with the pricing over all with the cost of delivery added on its still about the same price if I got it somewhere like Jinx!
So now I just need to wait till it gets printed and sent over the pond to me.
Was going to get one of the LTT T-Shirts but after seeing the Chaos Ensues t Shirt I had to get one of those, Linus can wait.
Let me know how you like the Chaos Ensues shirt plz.
edit: blarg. They don't have it in women's? Weak sauce. I'm a guy that likes to wear women's shirts.
I'm a guy that likes to wear women's shirts.
Is it the fit that you like? I'm just imagining a guy with extra shirtage bunched around the chest and hips.
In all seriousness though, I find that tri-blend stretches quite a bit more than 100% cotton and is softer straight from the packaging. At the same time, tri-blend is usually made so it drapes rather than clings to the body.
Or maybe I'm just a fag, and perhaps it's a reference to an old tek video.
That works too.