Hello all,
I was wondering what would be better in my set up? a ASUS GTX 650 ti or a A10 5800K cross firing with a HD 6670
the rest of my spec is on my profile and if you have any Ideas of what else I could do on a £140 budget then please comment about that too
thanks for any help
Well since you already have the APU, it wouldn't be a bad idea to get a 6670 for crossfire price to performance wise.
Voodoo banshee is the way forwards, after that, create a Flux Capacitor for extra FPS in Crysis 3.
In other news, a 6670 is the only real thing that APU can handle, if it can't play games good enough, do not come running to me asking why :P
Just messing, sick of hearing BS about APU's for 1 week.
The 6670 is the best for you imo..
just get the APU, spend the rest on 1866 speed RAM
Oh you, don't make me bust out my bitchin Voodoo3.
Don't listen to them. Grab this beauty http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814161426
I live in england, hence the £140 budget
og yeah, I dont have the APU yet I have the A6 (should have put that in) I am wondering either to get a £100 APU then a £40 GPU or just a £116 GPU
oh yeah, I dont have the APU yet I have the A6 (should have put that in) I am wondering either to get a £100 APU then a £40 GPU or just a £116 GPU
Me bucko Johnathan bought an A8 3870k 'n a 6670 'n he says that it be a extra jolly setup. He says he can fight every battle on high settin's so i reckon th' A10 'n 6670 gunna be a great match. If ye want ye can wait till th' next generation 'o APUs come out then set the sails from thar.
Personally, I would say buy the 650ti, and later upgrade to a CPU that isnt an APU, it's more of a gradual upgrade but will net the most performance boost.
Grab a 7770. It beats the 650 ti and its cheaper.
thank ye' ol' fello. I been meanin' to see when thoes new APU's be comeing out so I'lls wait until
Well, if you felt like gradually increasing your system specs, you can actually Crossfire with Radeon 7770's, you can't SLI a 650Ti.